Cōkhēra nīraba ghātaka glukōmā glukōmā ēka dharanēra cōkhēra uccacāpajanita rōga. Ē rōga cōkhēra nīraba ghātaka hisēbē'ō paricita. Cōkhēra ucca prēsārakē akulāra hā'ipāra ṭēnaśana balē. Ēkṣētrē sbābhābika cōkhēra cāpa 11-21 miḥmiḥ mārkārira cēẏē bēśi halē'i akulāra-hā'ipāra ṭēnaśana balē. Yadi'ō apaṭika snāẏu bā dr̥ṣṭi paridhira (bhisyuẏāla philḍa) kōna paribartana nā'ō hatē pārē. Tabē yakhana'i apaṭika snāẏu bā bhisyuẏāla philḍēra kṣati haẏa ēbaṁ cōkhēra ucca prēsāra thākē tākē glukōmā balē. Glukōmā kēna haẏa? : Cōkhēra abasthāna ṭhika rākhāra jan'ya siliẏāri ēpithiẏāma thēkē yadi pāni jātīẏa pratyakṣa niḥsaraṇa sbābhābikēra cēẏē bēśi haẏa. Parōkṣa niḥsaraṇa 20 śatānśa sbābhābika. Yadi kōnō kāraṇē (ōṣudha dbārā) ēra cēẏē kama haẏa tāhalē glukōmā haẏa. Yadi ṭrābikulāma, karni'ō skōrāla mēsa'ōẏārka, smēsa kyānāla prabhr̥ti kōnō pathē pratibandhakatā haẏa tāhalē glukōmā haẏa. Glukōmā āchē ki-nā kibhābē jānā yāẏa? : Cōkhēra prēsāra yantra ṭanōmiṭāra diẏē. 11-21 Miḥmiḥ- ēra bēśi halē glukōmā aphathālamōsakōpa diẏē apaṭika snāẏura paribartana haẏēchē ki-nā dēkhā. Dr̥ṣṭi paridhi bā bhisyuẏāla philḍa dēkhāra yantra pērimiṭāra/ēnālā'isāra (hāmaphrē bā akṭōpāsa diẏē). Ālōra pārśbē randhanura matō dēkhā, cōkhē byathā ha'ōẏā, māthābyathā ō māthā ghōrā, cōkha lāla ha'ōẏā/jhāpasā dr̥ṣṭi, cōkha diẏē pāni paṛā, cōkhē jhāpasā dēkhā, bami ha'ōẏā, dr̥ṣṭi paridhi kamē yā'ōẏā, maṇi baṛa ha'ōẏā ēbaṁ śēṣēra dikē cōkha sampūrṇa andha haẏē yā'ōẏā ityādi glukōmāra lakṣaṇa. Sabacēẏē mārātmaka hala kakhana'ō kōnō lakṣaṇa chāṛā'i cōkhēra prēsāra mānuṣa ghuṇa dharāra matō andhatbabaraṇa karē. Cōkhēra ucca cāpa bā glukōmāra prakārabhēda: 1. Janmagata: Glukōmā bā buthathālamōsa, 2. Ēkōẏārḍa bā janma parabartī sanśliṣṭatā. Cikiṯsā: Cakṣu biśēṣajñēra parāmarśamatō-pā'ilō ḍrapa, ṭimō ḍrapa, lyāṭōnō praṣṭa, praṣṭāgāmina, ālaphāgāna, bēṭāgāna. Khā'ōẏāra baṛi: Ēsimaksa, ilēkaṭrō-kē. Ṭrābikulōplāsṭi: Lējāra. Astrapācāra: Ā'irisē chidra karā, ṭrābikulēkṭami/ṭrābikulēkṭaṭima, sija bā philṭāriṁ apārēśana. Khulanā ṭibhi/ Show more 1762 / 5000 Translation results Silent fatal glaucoma of the eye_khulna tv

Silent fatal glaucoma of the eye

স্বাস্থ ও চিকিৎসা

Glaucoma is a type of ocular hypertension. This disease is also known as the silent killer of the eyes. High eye pressure is called ocular hypertension. In this case, ocular-hypertension is when the normal eye pressure is more than 11-21 mm Hg.

However, there may be no change in the optic nerve or visual field. However, whenever there is damage to the optic nerve or visual field and there is high pressure in the eye, it is called glaucoma.

Why is glaucoma? : If the direct discharge of water from the ciliary epithelium is higher than normal to maintain the position of the eyes. Indirect emissions are 20 percent normal. If for any reason (by medication) it is less than then glaucoma occurs. Glaucoma occurs if there is obstruction in any of the trabeculum, corneal scrotal meswork, smas canal etc.

How do you know if you have glaucoma? : Eye pressure gauge with tonometer. If it is more than 11-21 mm, the optic nerve has been changed with glaucoma ophthalmoscope.

Perimeter / Analyzer (with Humphrey or Octopus). Rainbow-like vision, pain in the eyes, headache and dizziness, redness / blurred vision, watery eyes, blurred vision, vomiting, decreased vision, enlarged gems, and finally complete blindness of the eyes. Etc. symptoms of glaucoma. The worst thing is that people without any symptoms of eye pressure go blind like a worm.

Types of high blood pressure or glaucoma:

1. Congenital glaucoma or buthalmos, 2. Acquired or post-birth involvement.

Treatment: Pilo Drops, Timo Drops, Latono Prast, Prostagamine, Alfagan, Betagan as per the advice of ophthalmologist. Eating Pills: Acemix, Electro-K. Trabeculoplasty: Laser. Arm surgery: Perforation of iris, trabeculectomy / trabeculectomy, siege or filtering operation.


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